1. Quy nhap trang (The walking dead) Type: Evil Specification/ Description: The dead comes alive, no emotions, rigor mortis. Ability: Eating raw, killer instincts Dangerous level: 3 (everage) Protection: Preventing cat or dog from looking to eyes of the dead
2. Xuong Cuong Type: Tree spirit Description: The tree spirit of Sandalwood, more than 5000 meters high, had withered for thousand years; naive, keen on watching shows. Abilities: Strong, infinite transformation, the most powerful. Dangerous level: 5 (highest) Final days of life: Being fooled and killed by a wizard from the North.
3. Ma cay gao (Bombax ceiba ghost) Type: Ghost Description: A person who died for being a victim of an injustice or died young, living in aBombax ceiba, enjoy climbing tree Abilities: - Foretelling that Ly Cong Uan would become a king - Reversing the Northern men’ s spell - Scaring pass-by people Dangerous level: 3 (everage) Final days of life: Unknown
4. Ho tinh (nine-tailed fox) Type: Demon Description: White fox with nine tails. Abilities: Transform into human and the others; kidnap human and devastate many villages. Dangerous level: 4 (high) Final days of life: Killed by Lac Long Quan (4)
5. Ngu tinh (Mermaid/ siren) Type:Demon Description: More than 200 meters length, numerous legs, a giant head, enjoy teasing fishmen. Abilities: Transform into thousand forms and shapes, tease fishmen, sink many ships. Dangerous level: 4 (high) Final days of life: Killed by Long Quan (5)
Art by Đăng Thiên, from The Devil's Nostalgia
6. Headless ghost Type: Ghost Description: No head (of course), appear whenever the sun shines after the rain, very shy (disappear when humans approach.) (6) Ability: Martial arts, creating whirlwind Dangerous level: 0 (harmless) Final days of life: Unknown
References: (1): Đất lề quê thói, tr 300 (Nhất Thanh) (2), (4), (5): Lĩnh Nam chích quái (3): Thiền Uyển Tập Anh (6): Ai hát giữa rừng khuya (Tchya) Source of image: Headless ghost in the video "Niệm sinh quỷ" (The devil's nostalgia)
Written and translated by Ha Ngo and Lan Huong